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stevenj | 18:50 Sun 16th Sep 2018 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Hello again. Rather later than usual but I am confident of finishing before bath time! I've had a great time with His Nibs though we are both back to the grindstone so opportunities are not as often as I'd like. But then...
Actually, the reason for the lateness is that SWMBO took me (a bit against my wishes if I am honest) to the 80th birthday celebration of a friend of hers. It was in the afternoon and included a very nice lunch. When we were in Ireland she took me to a similar one for the 70th of a relative. Although I wasn't looking forward to either, they were both interesting. Amazing how fascinating (and I do mean that word) so many old people are. I was bit like a pet and passed from one to another but I enjoyed them both very much.
(That must sound a bit patronising. it's not meant to be). But I'd better get on with the crossword before I annoy people,The first is "Revolutionary decade with besieging of regions where Arabs live". With the letters I have the answer seems to be Near East which is where a lot of Arabs live. but the rest of the reasoning" Dunno.
The other query is "Immodest, having no one after one's broadcast" Again , with the letters I have the answer could be "unchaste" which is immodest. But once more I haven't a clue how the rest fits in.


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1 Decade = ten Reversed round areas.

Took me ages to understand why for that one.
2 having no one after un chased
One's broadcast (sounds like) chaste
Question Author
Thank you, Cashier. It has just taken me a few minutes to get it even with your explanation but the penny has just dropped!
Sorry I'm not better at parsing Stephen.
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You are VERY good. It was my brain which wasn't functioning properly. But, thanks to you, I got there. And I don't think I'd have worked it out without your help
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Sorry, there's another one that I am not sure about.
"moans in defeats, getting new leader" Is it Yammers?
Sorry Steven I can't hlp ther. I don't understand it myself. My apologies for spelling your name wrong earlier.
Hammers (Defeats) gets a new first letter - Yammers (Moans)
Question Author
Dear Mamyalynne to the rescue again! Thank you.
Good to hear from you
And Cashier . Please don't worry about the misspelling of my name. It's not the first time!!!

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