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Cryptic Clue

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British_Olympics | 17:32 Fri 12th Oct 2018 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Extra special advantage (4)

Looks like ADDS but why 'advantage' ?


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would that fit?
an advantage is an add on?
forget mine!
...and that definition is in Chambers.
Interesting, clue suggests a singular answer.
Odds- noun plural sometimes treated as singular, advantage. Seems to fit the clue?
B_Ol will surely know by the grid, yes.
Question Author
Thank you everyone, the O is the unch, so ODDS it is !
Glad I could help. Mamya, this is from a recent Spectator puzzle and I tracked down the Odds= Advantage from Chambers then.
Well done.

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Cryptic Clue

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