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Times Cryptic Jumbo 1354 Sat.dec.1St.

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jimmywhiskers | 11:24 Fri 07th Dec 2018 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Last 3 and struggling.
14a As fruit ,cut by length four times (9).Q?A???P?E. Could it be QUADRUPLE and ,if so , why?
16a Confused report of more profound times (2,1,4).Is it that IN A DAZE sounds vaguely like "inner days" ?
3d Fine provincial force once set up court abroad (5). Possibly C?R?A . Help please


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Qua as
Drupe fruit
QUA means 'as', then drupe means fruit with L for length inside
CURIA AI (fine) + RUC (NI police) backwards
14 Qua, Latin for 'as' Drupe is fruit, and put L inside.
Qua (as;Latin) + drupes(fruits)
Curia- ai(fine) +ruc(force once) all reversed
3 curia
//Curia in ancient Rome referred to one of the original groupings of the citizenry, eventually numbering 30, and later every Roman citizen was presumed to belong to one.//
Ignore my post.Scorpiojo has it
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Thank you folks.It was a stiff one this week

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Times Cryptic Jumbo 1354 Sat.dec.1St.

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