I'd. Penny to inspect not starting to furnish(6)p?????
15d. I am to have a drink before Gareth loses his head, its unreal(9)I????????
16a.Behind swamp spoil one yellow flower((5-8)?????-marigold
26a. Not a free resting- place in hospital (3-3)
Many thanks
Your Answer...Many thanks for your help.
I'm nearly there!!
22a. Black propeller first part of aero-engine(7) p?o???t. I had projet but I think it could be wrong.
23d.Bob leaves joke on piece of stamped metal(5)??t?n
21a. Feature nothing satisfactory. It's a blow that's warm(7)c?i???k
17d. Meets no reaction to expression of astonishment (5,2)s???? ?e
Many thanks