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Everyman Final

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OHCelt | 15:45 Sun 24th Mar 2019 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Hated this one today - this the irritating final clue to get shot of the thing.

20 Tenor misses opening of Götterdämmerung, a dotty little thing (6)


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Domin(g)o - misses 'G(otterdammerung)' (opening)
Domino, dotty little thing, from Domingo, tenor, with the G removed.
Usually the Everyman crossword is a real delight. This one, 3780, is rubbish.
Thanks, Captain!
I know, I know - that's twice in an hour I've been way late - more coffee required. :0)))
Captain, we've all been there!

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Everyman Final

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