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Rte 30

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scooke | 14:51 Tue 16th Jul 2019 | Crosswords
8 Answers
10a incorrect to say less formally dressed? Mismatched .more like it(8)?n???t?d


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^ ^
Please explain what ^^ means ??

Thanking you
NaC was pointing out to Fuzzy that the query had been answered 10 minutes earlier.

Sometimes people forget to scroll.
Poorclare, it just means 'look up' or 'look up, the answer's already been given.' I have felt a little embarrassed before when I've given answers that were given hours earlier. It's because I sometimes forget to scroll through the thread.
Thank you.
I understand now, but not always possible (my computer is proof
of that), but why waste time posting ^^ ~ unless of course that you want
to top up your Questions Answered.
Sorry time to go and have a cuppa and a diazepam or perhaps a
chocolate biscuit may help just as well. lol
Hope the rest of your day is pleasant and relaxing.

Poorclare, thanks. No, I don't want - or need - my Questions Answered topped up. The example on this thread was only 10 minutes after an answer had been given, but I've since seen others where people repeat answers a day later. The only reason I could think of for this was that they'd done what I've done occasionally, forgotten to scroll.

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