It's that time again. Sailed through the rest, and have come to the usual grinding halt with this one last clue which has me utterly stumped.
8down) Beauty's budding offspring (5)
I have L?N?Y and it looks rather like LENNY, but goodness - and hopefully some kind person out there - knows why...
noun - United States educator who founded the first private school for Black students in Augusta, Georgia (1854-1933)
as in Black Beauty
Very, very iffy.
Well, the L comes from CUBITAL, the N from GENTLEMAN and the Y from MILITARY, all of which I am reasonably confident are right - but I will be happy to be corrected!
What's the clue for the cubial one please.
Actually I'm not at all sure about Hinny now as the answer should probably be a literary reference (more than Black Beauty)
Think Lenny looks most likely. But gtfl for confirmation of 9a Dickensian actor with a bit of burlesque for his second half, contemptible chap (5) G?U?B Grubb? (or Glubb) Tks
I’m going out on a limb on this one and putting LINDY.
1. Lindy is the name of a character in a book called Beastly bun Alex Flynn: a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast take. Lindy is Beauty. 2. Lind or linden is the lime tree after James Lind (budding).
3. Lindy Bop = a dance (offspring).
It’s all a bit of a leap really and I didn’t enjoy this crossword!