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bazigi | 13:18 Wed 28th Aug 2019 | Crosswords
21 Answers
Anagram of a sportsman. BIOYGBGR??, 5+5.


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Bobby Riggs ?
Maybe- but that's going back a bit
They are not always current, ff. And there are never any clues as to which period they belong to.
I agree with Ken,I can remember Fred Perry being one answer.
how do you get the missing letters ?
Okay. I have no idea which crossword this is so can't comment further but accept what you say
Mally type ?? and the letters into the anagram solver.
FF, I don't think this is a crossword.
I wondered if there was a clue bazigi could give us to get the missing letters x
Okay, thanks danny- it was in Crosswords section so I jumped to the wrong conclusion
Mally, that was the only name that came up with the known letters & ??.
It is from the Daily Mirror's 'The Name Game.
Which day Ken? It is not today's ?
Oops, ignore that Ken. Reading wrong paper.
It is today's Danny:-)
The 2 questions bazigi couldn't answer were; How many Von Trap children were there in Sound Of Music (Seven gives the letter B) and Which actress recorded a song under a pseudonym protesting against the nudity on the album cover for Two Virgins (Sissy Spacek gives the letter S).
Ken // (Seven gives the letter B)// ?
Yes Danny, the letter is not the initial of the answer. For instance; Q3; How many Von Trapp children are there in Sound Of Music film? Five (U), Seven (B), Nine (D).
If only i could do links..........................:-/

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