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Farrwest | 16:09 Sun 13th Oct 2019 | Crosswords
8 Answers
25d Sexual frolic unending, I see (5) ?a?ic. I had gamic but that doesn't work with 31a Surrounded by help accepting little money (4) If gamic is right for 25d then 31a would be am?t which is not a word. Answers to both 25d and 31a would be appreciated. Thanks


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31a amid? surrounded by help = a id. a little money = m
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Thanks bookbinder and dannyk13. I had qintar for 23d instead of qindar. Silly me!
All done bar 4 down, which surely has to be FORINT, but how does it parse?
What is the clue for 4d ?
IN in FORT, stronghold
Hungarian currency, a forint = 100 filler
Many thanks dannyk13, scorpiojo an iminoz. I get it now.

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