Business Post in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Bedelia | 16:26 Sun 01st Mar 2020 | Crosswords
12 Answers
23d When writing with a pencil, you will find it makes your point! (5 p????y).
25a With a summons, he makes one squirm (6. p???y). These are last 2,
have done gud today, thanks in advance. Bedelia
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25 Writ he
23d you say 5, but you show six spaces. Which is it supposed to be?
25a you make the same mistake: you say 6, but you show six spaces.
...correction: 25a you say 6, but you show five spaces. And even your displayed letters in 25a do not tally with the answer!
Bedelia has sight problems, I'm sure she will correct if needed.
I assume the first one is P???Y . I can see what Bedelia has done
Question Author
Sorry I made a bags of my query - 23d is p?r?y (5 letters- still need this). 25a is 6 letters which I got from Mamyalynne that is "writhe". Thanks to you all.
Struggling with that one Bedelia.
Me too. Either the clue or the pattern seems wrong as I can't see any possible match
23d is parer 26 across is yellow fever
Ah, it was the 'Y' that was awry - well done.
Thanks. Parer makes sense
A strategic foothold for the one in charge of a card game

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