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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1430

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jaklyn | 19:12 Mon 23rd Mar 2020 | Crosswords
3 Answers
WhAt is the parsing please behind 8d
Dish stirred by spooner 8,5
It has to be sleeping beauty and presumably it’s a spoonerism but I just can’t get it.


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Spponer isn't the famous doctor, it's spooning, kissing and cuddling. Sleeping Beauty was woken by a kiss.
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Thank you so much. Understand now. At 72, spooning isn’t the first word to come to mind in my vocabulary! Live and learn.
Jaklyn, glad I could help. Spooning is a really old/old-fashioned word, I bet no-one has used it for many, many years - but it came in useful to the setter!

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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1430

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