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Gill55 | 14:12 Sun 31st May 2020 | Crosswords
8 Answers
4d blasé - mostly about flat?
U_i_ _r_ _s_d (parse please)


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blasé = unimpressed; not impressed by anything. pressed = flat. uni = could be short for universal = mostly.
14:19 Sun 31st May 2020
blasé = unimpressed; not impressed by anything.
pressed = flat.
uni = could be short for universal = mostly.
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Thank you
Bookbinder, I'm wondering where the M comes from? I'm also not keen on getting 'uni' from 'mostly'. that seems a bit of a stretch.
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Must be impressed but still don't think the clue is good. M for mostly and pressed for flat but the uni seems superfluous to the clue!
I've got it - it's Minu(s) , most of the '-' in the clue" ! Reverse it,'about, so Unim' ' +pressed, flat.
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Brilliant. So annoying when you can't parse them. Thanks.

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