A. (9) ?s?e?s?o?. Is it Ascension?
22a. There isn't a vowel-nor a truthful word-to such tales (5)???h?
23d So one gives way for the takings (6)??e?ds
Many thanks
The clue is just as shown . Others have posted it.the pattern on another had R as penultimate letter so I suggested ascenders. Ascension could've right as it is rte. Its the word ascending from a to n. Typical RTE clue
I think the R was/is wrong and should be S
as 25a What athletes get hung up on retiring
from tracks ~ spikeS
14d appears as 2nd coming further down (5) looks
like l?w?e could be to do with 17d?
Thank you Scorpiojo, This is a stinker this week.
Still have not got a few.
01d At the top of her form for it in 2011, did Cameron Diaz deserve
that title? (3,7)
02d It's those regions below for her net to spread... (6)