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Genius 206

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Pete666 | 21:00 Fri 28th Aug 2020 | Crosswords
25 Answers
We have a problem parsing 7d:
Soldier seen climbing over tense leeches (9)
Probably parasites (leeches)
A chemical element has to be changed from the answer given by the wordplay to give the solution


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I know nothing about elements, but the wordplay gives Paranetes (a word, I don't think it has to be defined) and then swap Ne for SI, if those are elements?
21:16 Fri 28th Aug 2020
Para + Spies round T(ense) minus P(hosphorus)

A poor guess from me I think.
"All solutions are defined normally, but the wordplay in each clue leads to a solution where TWO letters require an elementary substitution before entry in the grid."
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Still don't quite get it. Which chem element are you changing?
Two letters, ah - ignore my reply.
I know nothing about elements, but the wordplay gives Paranetes (a word, I don't think it has to be defined) and then swap Ne for SI, if those are elements?
spied rather than spies?
I wondered about tense being STIFF- change F and F for ES
so does leeches not have to be part of the wordplay or definition?
Leeches is the definition for the entry, the wordplay being for the stuff that needs changed? (I haven't seen the instructions!)
para+ TENSE- Ne + Si?
Neon (Ne) to Silicon (Si), Nac
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I like paranetes, but what does it mean?
I'm sure it's just parasites
Thanks, Captain2 - I thought it worked, but hadn't checked any of the element stuff.
I think paranetes was just suggested as an interim stage in the wordplay before the switch of Ne to Si, but I don't think it's that complicated
Pete666, I think the answer to the wordplay in the clue is Paranetes, then you change the element part (Ne to Si) to get Parasites, leeches.
It doesn't have to 'mean' anything - it is just the basis for the element change to give the entry word.
I've just looked at other Genius 206 threads - the solution to the wordplay isn't defined, the entry is... Parasites, leeches.
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I think it does have to a word in its own right - all the rest seem to be

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