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Rte Xmas

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scooke | 19:42 Thu 10th Dec 2020 | Crosswords
6 Answers
60a Magi endlessly go back to that ungodly biblical land (5)ma???
26d lullaby the little one with it ...(7)s??????
4d .. and the Latin will have the end of it,in short(3)?t?
7wa could be doing it off the cuff,of course, like doing a crossword(6,2,2)?a?i??,??,??


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7 Making It Up?
7 Making it up
26 soother?
60 Magog? Mag(i) +Og, go back.
4 Etc? Based on the assumption of and being the definition
60 Magog
26 Soother
4 etc
7 making it up

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Rte Xmas

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