Good day,
Going through Doc pretty well, but am stuck on these three
clues which I need to solve before I attack the Unlueds.
Help/Hints would be appreciated, thanks!
12 Socialist sympathisers at peak on Greek isle (6) : P??K?S
19 Lover loses ring and capital (4): R??E
27 Causing fury, miles away from West Sussex village (8) : ??GER??N
Yes,NACW, not having Brewer’s may be a huge handicap. I’ve got the theme, but need confirmation for 4 outstanding Unclueds before continuing my search, thanks.
I have:
41(a ) : O?I?E?
All letters are right apart from24 down. The A is below the bar and is not part of the answer. Got o Universal Crossword Solver, put in the theme word followed by the letters and question marks you have and you will find all the answers.
There, Matakari, your 'huge handicap' didn't get in the way! I think information on how to access Brewer's online was given a few puzzles ago, that'd make things a little easier for you?
PS Many solvers, and probably many AB solvers, don't have a copy of Brewer's.
I believe I'm there now except for 37 for which I have two
names, one starting with S and the other with R, but can't
figure out which one it is. I'll probably have to sleep on it a
Neither S nor R. Enter the theme word, the letters which you have and question marks for those you don't have in Chambers Word Wizard. If you have the right letters only one possibility is given.