Skeleton Winner in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Skeleton Winner

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Keith43 | 21:31 Sat 06th Mar 2021 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Thanks to all who help on here. I received a cheque today for winning the Sunday Express skeleton.
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Well done Keith x
Well done.
Well done. ;o)
Great! Never thought of sending it in - too much competition.
davebro always send it in. ive had two in last 12 months
Well done Keith x
Congrats, Keith. Sent mine in religiously for about 5 years. Then stopped when i noticed that some names were quite familiar. Not saying that there is definitely something untoward going on but i do recall a Burnley couple who had a hand in the allocation or printing of the Sun bingo cards a good few years back. Quite a few of their relatives and friends won decent amounts of money before the scam was discovered. It can (and obviously does) happen, sadly.
Well done, It's always nice when you hear of an AB win.
I have never won the main Skeleton but I've had quite a few runners up, two last year.
You guys are lucky, send it in every week only ever one once £25 a few years ago
I am the same Keith. Send in religiously over the years and won quite a few 25.
See you won the £100, nice to see us Northerners getting the monies, I got the £100 last month, have never won the Crusader and his squire though.

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