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The Week 1265

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Chaseman | 13:24 Sun 20th Jun 2021 | Crosswords
8 Answers
24a Extreme elements rejected, Muslims leave the county (5) S?I?O must be Sligo but cannot understand why

13d After one disembarked, coaches left in entrance (9) T?A?S?O?T must be Transport but again I cannot see it.


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(Mu)sli(ms) go (leave)
Tra(I)ns (coaches) port (left)
13 Tra(i)ns port
trains take away one(i) = trans + port (entrance)
24a Sligo - '(Mu)Sli(ms)' (extreme elements rejected) + 'go' (leave)

13d Transport (entrance; bewitch) - 'tra(i)ns' (coaches, 'i' [one] disembarked) + 'port' (left)
13 Tra(i)ns port(left)
Tra(i)ns + port(left)
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Thanks all. It was “entrance” I could not place. Now understand the emphasis is on the second syllable rather than the first.

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The Week 1265

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