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BIll | 12:25 Sat 13th Nov 2021 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Given name of secret historian, a name to agree about (5). I am pretty confident about what I have, namely A?N?A. Annya parses satisfactorily but I have been unable to find any connection with Samuel Steward or Justin Spring. Maybe I'm on the wrong tack, but anyway I've now spent too much time searching for a connection and so resort, as occasionally in the past, to tapping into the unbeatable expertise to be found here


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Donna (Tartt) - 'a n(ame) nod (to agree)' (about; back)
Question Author
So my first A was wrong. I'll have to have another look at 18 down. Many thanks chum
You're welcome :-)
18d You need an an anagram plus something for quiet and Athens.
Question Author
Yes. Thanks. Got it and am ashamed I didn't see it before as many decades ago as an undergraduate I studied the play by Racine. Thanks again anyway.

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