Good evening, my struggle is almost over as I’m left with the following for which I seek answers and if possible the parsing. Thanks in advance!
( Thirty-three special clues include a definition and a hidden letter mixture of the light.)
80 Peter’s letter (3): TD?
120 Review backing Equus (5) : ?E?A?
125 Troubled girl in retreat? (5): ???ED ( AILED )
44 Suits tailor flogs (4): TA?S (TAGS)
53 Foot missing pedal for ages (4) : AEO? (AEON )
63 Hill snow hides (3) : ?O?
81 Poet’s ashes left in peace (5): ???L?
108 Dicky cuts six hairs (5) : ?A??? ( CAVIL )
115 Rags beggars wore (4): R???
121 China tea plate (3): ??L
Many thanks, NACW, I'm left with about four unclueds that should fall into place now. This was a bit of a struggle, but interesting, nevertheless! Here's wishing you a joyous, safe and peaceful Christmas!