9d MAG (eg Hello magazine) + I ('[n]one') + A ('are') + N(efariou)S
16d S (medieval Roman numeral for 7) plu[g]s CAPE ('covering')
26d S[h]ort LONER, ie anag of LONER in EG ('for example eats')
35d OL(d) ('early footless', ie no last letter) + (b)EIN[g] ('headless bein', ie no first letter)
The extra letter in 26d is not H, but R.
'Sort loner for example eats...' would not be grammatically correct for LONER* in EG because 'Sort' is not adjectival or participial.
The adjusted clue is 'Shot loner for example eats...'
I haven't done the puzzle, and I agree that the extra letter in 26d could be the R.
However, I would add that 'Sort loner for example eats' is perfectly sound for ERELONG - in this construction 'sort' is an imperative verb instructing the solver to rearrange the letters of LONER, which are fringed by EG.
The Frogman, you are quite right. It was the imperative in the anagram indicator that I thought precluded that parsing, but you have lucidly explained how that reading is grammatically possible.
I’ll add my apology to the thread if I may. I don’t like to see clues where the extra letter is not clear and certainly wouldn’t have left one intentionally. I quite agree with TheFrogman, and just didn’t consider that reading