See here:-
43 (two words) created 1A
(four words) and 3 10 14
(seven words). The latter
inspired 17 30, whose
work introduced the
egregious 18. Elsewhere,
ignore one accent.
Tilly2, do you really want just to be told the theme?* The first few Down clues are relatively straightforward and should give you quite a few of the letters for 1 Across.
*Sorry if that sounds a bit direct, cheeky - it's just because I'm not used to someone wanting so much (and having so little/nothing!).
Neveracrossword is right.... you only need a few down answers to be able to get 1a by putting your letters in the universal crossword solver...doesn't help that the title is foreign ...but it is there.
Thanks, Tilly2. I didn't use a WordWizard thing, I spotted a couple of possible words in the top row. The entry is something I'd heard of before. The bottom row had to wait until much later.
Greetings, NACW and Roslyn251254, I am quite excited to announce that I cracked Fieldfare's "Picture book" very early in the game and was very surprised to complete the puzzle in record time yesterday! Interesting and fulfilling, indeed! Thanks for giving me the confidence needed!
For me the beauty of this was looking at not just the thematic works of 43 across but also at some of his other work. NACW, I was the opposite. I had quite a few letters in 43 across and then used Universal Crossword Solver. Tilly2, that particular site is very user-friendly for both answers and anagrams. It is well worth exploring/experimenting with.
Thanks, Novalis - interesting stuff! I think I must have encountered the answer to 1 A before in Crosswordland - though goodness knows where or when! The odd start and the odd end to the entry sent me on my way.
Thanks, Matakari. I expect it was the most satisfying puzzle you've done for a while (and certainly tougher than the recent Chalicea or Guardian Genius).