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Radio Times Prize Crossword 16

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ZebuSanctuary | 08:46 Fri 16th Sep 2022 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Clue: New Labs Answer: Slab Please help. thanks in advance!


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Hi ZebuSanctuary - to be clear, are you sure of the publication & puzzle number? The link below shows the RT 16 from this year & that clue isn't shown - The clue with an extra word has been used in the past by other publications, to wit - "New labs block"
10:04 Fri 16th Sep 2022
so was the clue just "New labs"
Its obvious its a anagram but wheres the defanition
anagram of labs
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bobbin and mally, please be informed that the whole clue simply comprises two words - 'New Labs'. Clearly an anagram. But I am unable to see any connection. Perhaps there is another part of the clue which has been omitted. This maybe a genuine oversight by the compiler?
I dont get it either but have seen the clue used before
Hi ZebuSanctuary - to be clear, are you sure of the publication & puzzle number? The link below shows the RT 16 from this year & that clue isn't shown -

The clue with an extra word has been used in the past by other publications, to wit - "New labs block"
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Hi King, I shall have to check with my mum on Sunday, since I do not purchase the radio times. However as I had suspected, there is a misprint with this particular clue. Given 'New Labs block' this can be easily reconciled with the answer 'Slab' and (to me at least) makes perfect sense!

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Radio Times Prize Crossword 16

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