36 Saturday December 10Th 2022 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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36 Saturday December 10Th 2022

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Fitzys | 20:20 Sat 10th Dec 2022 | Crosswords
21 Answers
11a: Found on every café table. 4/6 letters. ?a?t and ?e???r
5d: A big muddle. 5/2 letters. s?a?? And ?p.
These 2 clues are intertwined….one needs the other. Thank you.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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11 Salt and pepper
salt and pepper
snarl up
5 Shake up?
Question Author
Thank you both for salt and pepper. Neither shake up nor snarl up will fit with the p of pepper. Any further suggestions??
Where does the p fit?
Where is the p?
salt&pepper must be right so what does that give you now for 5d??
Shape up?
Spark up?
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5d: It now reads s?a?p followed by the second word which is up.
The a is from undersea where the clue for that was “ below the waves “.
Thanks to all again.
scamp up sounds familiar
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Thanks bobbinwales. I’ll have to run with scamp up as nothing else fits.
Swamp up?
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Maybe, Patsy33. Don’t know whether to run with scamp up or swamp up !!
none a them sounds convincing....are you sure of the S but even if its wrong then I cant think of an answer
Aw, just realised 11a is 4/6 so it's SALT CELLAR

Then my snarl up will fit
! well spotted! we were all mislead
I felt I mislead myself - the OP did say 4/6. I think the 'and' between the words, with the given letters, should have been spotted (by me!)
Errr, the same from a red faced me too. :))))
Sorry, Captain2, I meant to thank you - and applaud you - for resolving it. (I have resisted the use of the word 'eventually'...)

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36 Saturday December 10Th 2022

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