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Rte 3

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scooke | 12:50 Mon 09th Jan 2023 | Crosswords
9 Answers
2d these are the times of past present and yet to come(6)?e?s??
4d twist to a tale calls for an encore(4)?o?e
27a arent they full of sizzling entertainment? Like hell they are(8 or3,5)??t?p?f?
17d... and clown about like a monkey, no doubt, that peace will out(3,3,3,)act, the ,???


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17 act the ape (that peace anagram)
4d looks like 'more' but I can't fully parse as yet.
2 Tenses
27 Hot Spots
More as in Oliver twist?
Assist please? After this is without what we'd write with mind to believe t?I?k. In
th ink
Much obliged for replies tanx.

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