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Jumbo Cryptic 1598

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stevenj | 15:18 Sun 05th Feb 2023 | Crosswords
3 Answers
I really am losing any skill that you great people helped me acquire! I struggled last night and didn’t finish it before I was ORDERED to the bath. I have had another go but am still baffled by some of the clues.
How about this, for example: set of possible caravanserai pictures brought back . I have t*a*n*e . I thought “ inn” might there, given the caravanserai reference. But that hasn’t helped.
Or this one: after winding up down there, rueful in the extreme? It’s two words (6,5 ) . I have n*t*e* / w*r*d . All I can think of is “ nether world” and that might be a reference to “ down there” but I can’t make anything else out.
There are others but let’s see if these can unlock things



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Nether world - anagram of down there & r(uefu)l
Trannie (transistor radio; set) - 'E(astern) inn art' (back)
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Thank you both very much! I didn’t see the anagram! Slapped wrist!
Funnily enough I DID think of trannie but thought of it in the context of male\female . I couldn’t see any link ( not surprising as there isn’t one. )
I’ll struggle on now. Again, many thanks

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