Overseas bowler demonstrating turn on the way down CHR?ST?
Partial weatherproofing in north America SID?NG
Throw with the intention of wounding, showing vigour? Not on once E?ANCE
American shrub from Haiti, its smell having a touch of arum RHO?ORA
CHRISTY, I think (a double def - a cricketer and a skiiing turn).
SIDING d/def.
ELANCE 'vigour' = ELAN + ['not on'] 'onCE'
RH = Haiti + 'ODOR' (US spelling).
I could only come up with Christy BUT Jim Christy was a SA cricketer who was mainly a batsman and 'Christy turn' seems to be spelt Christie. There is also a Christys' (not Christy's) famous bowler hat maker. So if Christy is the answer, it seems to be just a double (or triple) definition, all of them flawed ... which is very unlike Azed.