11. Crazy person let out after short gap in sentence, perhaps (6)
33. Advantage of early savings vehicle going west (5)
17. Before blister, nothing finished without any health problems (10)
The following has an extra letter in the clue to be removed.
19. Return after payments spread money dividend by seller's opinion (6)
I have 8 of the 10 extra letters but they do not make any sense.
Thanks bobbinwales, NAC and ProfessorM.
The 10 letters from down clues do not make much sense.
Four consecutive letters from 6th one are NIGO.
I have the answer to custard but don't know the extra letter.
I am also looking at jumbled words in odd columns.
Last column shows a 6 letter name. More staring.
Thanks NAC and ProfessorM.
In my haste, I had put down the wrong letters. Knew H was extra in Hold but put down O for some reason.
Now have the two words from extra letters.
Have never read anything by the author but see that the author has a book by that name.