Well that was a tad too straightforward! Admirable construction - let's take nothing away from that. But the clues lack something, cunning perhaps, that makes for a Listener. A good one for a busy weekend
Yes, it wasn't too taxing for the experienced solvers, but I found it fun to complete, and I hope some of the new solvers can keep their run going. I'd certainly have appreciated this one when I started taking the puzzle seriously around 8 years ago.
Many thanks, Upsetter. I am getting those comments about it being too easy but those of us in the 'relatively easy' Listener setter group - I'll name my dear friend Opsimath for one - have a private giggle when we see the solver statistics and find that our puzzles have produced a record number of errors. Perhaps over-confident solvers relax and fail to spot the obvious. I promise my next one will be a bit more challenging.
Don't worry RuthRobin. Not so easy for all of us. I've spent a jolly couple of hours moseying between Egypt, somewhere under the Channel, an eclectic array of Neolithic sites and various parts of the Holy Land before finally seeing the light