I've found this particularly tricksy today, as some of the answers (including all of these) contain words that have to be represented in the grid by symbols, so I can't give the usual letters and blanks as I don't know what's going to be missing in the grid.
17D: He cuts some six new horror films (6, 7)
46D 64-ton emu bred at NT property (9, 5)
61D File of memorabilia is a difficult problem in poker (7)
67A Make professional contact with opponents and pair of kings (7)
donny. The clue says that the answer has 6 letters, but the grid shows only 4 spaces, so it must be one of the clues that has a symbol in the grid entry; that way the name of the symbol only takes up one space - you have to draw the symbol in the spare space where the name of the symbol fits in with the letters you have got.
5AC the clue leads to the word 'colonnade' but there isn't room for that, so you replace the letters 'colon' with the single symbol ':'