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Which Cryptic

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mjulian | 21:52 Tue 02nd May 2023 | Crosswords
6 Answers
I'm stuck on 4 clues - can anyone help me please?
Perch by river ahead of your opening deception [7]: -A-S-T-
Anchor east, Roger? [5]: -O-R-
Copper intercepts lost small insects [7]: -O-E-T-
Go to characters in retreat: ten deserters [6]: -T-E-D

Many thanks in advance for any assistance.


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1 Fal sit y
2 Moor e
4 Attend (hidden)
3 Think your letters are wrong - looks like LOCUSTS
3 locusts if E wrong
Question Author
Thank you both - should have got 2nd and 3rd ones. Had thought about Locusts - will have to change the E.

A million thanks for your help - much appreciated.

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Which Cryptic

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