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lashley | 20:32 Wed 03rd May 2023 | Crosswords
12 Answers
last 2-please parse8d mostly new design of a home for a lion 6 ?E?E?N something with den?
17d boundaries encircling a diplomat and a famous bird's residence ? 6 R?E?R? HE?Rhea there?


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6 Nemean?
modern ... maybe not
Please can u clarify the pattern for 17d
17 Rheims
is it R?E?R? as I was confused by your 'there'
17 Rims round he
good one.... HE = his excellency?
Ne(w)mean looks good, cash.
I thought it was right, but can't parse it properly. Nemea is a valley in Greece and n for new, but it doesn't work that well.
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thanks all
cash, I think it is

mostly new = NE + MEAN = design/aim - all synonyms

so, it is 'of a home for a lion' Nemea-n

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