Wordplay in some clues have an extra letter. In other wordplays a missing letter.
- Counter area for display by Israel in local fair (6)
- Plastic Yale, similar to metal (4)
- Property dispatches a learner to enter students' accommodation (6)
- Briefly ban research incorporating poiss (8)
- Aguataor joins section moving up (6)
Thanks ProfessorM.
many of the three letter ones are iffy
- Collection of someone's ... A?I
- Language over the top ?ON
- Accepted black hairy cloth
- Olives' family son... ?OLES Olea-a+S
My extra letters start out as RAEC,,, that can not be right.
Also missing letters start as YM..
('i' is wrong) A[n]A - 'n' missing.
language is [m]ON - 'on' = 'over the top' [minus 'm'].
AB[a] is 'hairy cloth'
Yes, OLES needs the missing 'v' - vOLES wins all the tricks in a card game.
Yes to the drawing and the shapes.
And yes to the rest - there's a jumble interspersed with the SYM... word (a typically crossword term, 11 letters) the jumble has 9 letters. The SYM... word ends with the minus 'l' from 'Island song...' and the minus 'r','v' and 'u' are part of the jumble.
That 'y' is wrong but the rest look to be OK.
A German 'with' = MIT + 'O(scar)' SI[t]S = 'settles' (giving you an extra 't') MITOSIS.
The letter you're missing for the jumble is the one from 'plastic yale.'