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BIll | 17:52 Sat 09th Sep 2023 | Crosswords
7 Answers
I have two left for this week's puzzle which are getting to me and would appreciate help.

16d. One supporting Dedalus works by a small hotel (8). I have ?S?P?A?T. Presumably Harry Potter and ASH (A Small Hotel) but plus what?

20d. Not entirely kind and honourable serpentime beast (6). I have ?Y?H?N. So PYTHON. I get HON but how does the rest parse


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I think it is typ(e)/ sort reversed although there doesn’t seem to be a reversal indicator in the clue (maybe serpentine?)
Question Author
Sorry serpentiNe of course
16d Ashplant - 'a s(mall) h(otel) plant (works)'
20d Typhon - 'typ(e)' (kind, not entirely) + 'hon(ourable)'

(Stephen) Dedalus' walking stick: "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"/"Ulysses"
Plant = works/factory
I obviously fell into the python trap too :-)
"Snakes on a Brain" ;-)
Question Author
Ah, yes! Many thanks both.

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