Crosswords2 mins ago
8 Answers
help please and parsing
5a planet killer's a book by written two former students 6 baobab? ?A?B?B
2d work upset abrupt vedic poet like jorthkyn 6 O?R?S? ogrish?
5a Hmmm - Baobab - 'B(achelor of) A(rts) + o(ld) b(oy)' (2 students) + 'a b(ook)' - which works if the clue should read "...written by..." I can't find a definition yet.2d Ogrish - 'go' (work, upset) + 'rish(i)' (Vedic poet, abrupt; short)Best I found was - https:// lotr. fandom. com/ wiki/ Earth- kin
19:07 Thu 05th Oct 2023