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Azed 2677

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 12:48 Sun 08th Oct 2023 | Crosswords
12 Answers

I have enough letters for this one to be TACKING, but the parsing is beyond me so that may be wrong.

It's given to Alzheimer's sufferer, certain for treatment (7) 

I have TAC?IN? 




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Tacrine, anag certain 

Tacrine anag certain and a drug for Alzheimers.

Tacrine is used to treat the symptoms of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease

Tacrine - anagram of certain

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Thanks! I'd fiddled with a few anagrams of certain but nothing stood out, especially when I'm not familiar with the word. 

Last one - 34a) Aaron’s converted and no longer bears name as part of old Jewish sect (10) I have N?SAR?SAN. Thanks.


Anag of ''Aaron's'' followed by EANS = 'bears' (young).

There's an anagram following the 'Chambers' ref telling you where to find it in Chambers.

^ Nasareans??

Youve missed an 'a' elliemay1, but that's just about it.

(you were closer the first time.}

Thank you - such kindly people!

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Azed 2677

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