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In India 3 Couples

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jf2k | 19:04 Sun 19th Nov 2023 | Crosswords
15 Answers

in india 3 couples



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jf2k, how does the answer work?
14:52 Mon 20th Nov 2023

Please provide letter counts!  Otherwise you're making the questions even harder for us than they are for you!

Sikhs ?

I'm  not sure jf2k realises he's posting questions as all look like something you'd put in the search box

please do a search through AnswerBank first to see if the clue has already been answered, especially if the crossword is more than a day old.

2. If the question has not been previously posted: Please state the name, number, date and type of crossword in the title of your post, e.g. Sunday Times Cryptic 4461 27 Nov 2011

3. Remember: Not everyone will have a copy of the crossword in front of them, so please write the clue EXACTLY as it appears, the number of letters required and which (if any) you already know e.g.

13d Excellent on-line resource for answering questions (10) A?SWE?B?NK

4. If you want to post a follow-up such as a thank you for any assistance you have received, please do so in the same thread - do not start a separate thread for this

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jf2k, how does the answer work?

Question Author

"3 couples from Rome" is 6 or VI in roman numerals. VIAGRA answers "better sex life", remove "VI" from "VIAGRA" leaving AGRA, a city in India.

but rome wasnt even in the question!

It would have been so, so useful to have had the whole clue intiially! All we had was 'In India 3 couples' - I'm sorry, but that's not good, pretty useless.

And you expected to get answers from the information you gave us?????????

In a cryptic clue EVERY word plays a part in getting to the answer; so the whole clue is needed to be given.

PS Are you in a position to supply the full information for your other clue, the one you think is answered 'Rob'?  

This ABer is not noted for providing accurate and helpful clues. This ABer has no set gender, so we cannot address this ABer as "he" or "she". All this does not make it easy for other ABers to be as helpful as they would like to be.

Captain2: that's just a one-off!

Not now, bookbinder- jf2k is on a roll as he/she has posted another two perfectly this afternoon as well, including this one for which we got full details at the third attempt.

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In India 3 Couples

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