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Clue Chain

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miser | 09:17 Tue 23rd Jan 2024 | Crosswords
2065 Answers

Many years ago on another forum I started a game I called CLUE CHAIN. The idea is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. If anybody is interested in playing my clue is

Bear opening church? (7)





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^ sorry, 5 letters

Forum ?

Yes Moorea!


Is this an eraser factory?  No, it's green and shiny.  (6,5)

rubber plant


a quick hello to a tale of past events (7)


Correct dustypuss (love your avatar!)

Thank you it reminds me of my cat Dusty.

This type of Lactuca sativa, can send things to the bottom 

7 letters 

? Iceberg

Well done😀


Is it an apparition on the flat?  No, it's a measuring tool.  (6,5)

Spirit Level


I'll say Good Night now - hopefully, see you all tomorrow evening 😊


Night both xx

Falls on cover view. (9)

Falls down. 

Sorry can't play today.  In hospital having a endoscopy . Such fun 

 So will someone take my turn . That if I was right. 

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