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Clue Chain 2

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miser | 07:48 Sat 24th Feb 2024 | Crosswords
1611 Answers

 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. 



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Embarrassing faults? (6)

Flatus? 😄

Question Author

Yes, Patsy - sorry about that one

I should think so!..😄

Sat back, a madness out North by old Nick. What a creature! (9,5)

? Tasmanian devil

Yes, Moorea! 😃 

Cries of grief?  Sounds as though Tom lived here.  (5)

Wails (sounds like Wales)

I'll be busy for a while so here is my clue:

about being slack to rest (5)



Correct Patsy

An absent friend of mine, and yours, meets at the Dock, for business, maybe? (6,5)

? Appeal Court

Haz, who is one of our absent friends on here?

^^  I was thinking "pal" - there are a few but can't put them into the clue - probably will be easy!


? Canary Court

Our friend on clue chain, who flew away...

You got the first bit right. Think on dock...

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Clue Chain 2

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