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Guardian Genius 250

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LeenaH | 17:16 Wed 03rd Apr 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

7d Used up space in jar with topping of melted cheese (7)

One letter is missing from wordplay

Gives hints to answer cracking 44÷50 (8)


Again 1 letter missing from wordplay 


Also there are normal clues which need 2 letters to be inserted to form different words.

Can't figure out those letters


Thanks for all your help



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7 D.It's a term for a dish, potatoes, say,. served with melted cheese on the top.Jar = get on one's nerves, the space is the very common (in crosswords) two-letter word, a printing term.

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Thanks. I got that

I still can't figure out 9a (the 44÷50) one


L(50) divides/ cracking "fours" = flours

Answer = a

also add a thematic letter and answer is give hints

At this stage all I will say is that when you "ADD" all the letters missed out from the wordplay, they come to a certain number.

As there are four "pairs" of letters to add to the special clues, multily this number by 4 and it leaves you with a round number which when spelled out consists of 8 letters. These 8 letters slit 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 are the 4 pairs that need to be added to the clues


L(50) divides/"fours" = flours

Answer cracks this= flaours

also add a thematic letter and answer is "hints"

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Guardian Genius 250

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