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Clue Chain 5

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miser | 07:29 Tue 28th May 2024 | Crosswords
1315 Answers

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. 

New contributors are very welcome

Criminal brutality? Anyhow there's no way out! (9)



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Maternal? No! That's crazy! Artistic though.(10)

? ornamental   anagram

Yes Haz 😃 

Thanks 😊

Beheaded crow can be seen to hesitate on the water.  (5)



Yes Patsy and Ellie 😊    (c) row  er

Left Mr. Charles with young Alan, revealing depiction (9)

? portrayal

Yes Haz 😃 

Thanks 😊

Road race group become entangled in pool net.  (7)


Yes Ellie 😊          Main group in cycle road race

part of a ship reportedly or a hill lead to an interior designer (9)

I'm off to bed so if you know the answer please post a qn

Dec or a tor    Decorator

For the four seasons, he had six then five before a well-known shopping store.  (7)

^^^ Whoever solves the clue, just carry on posting - will confirm sometime.


cocoa looked odd about to wake you up in the country ?


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Clue Chain 5

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