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Clue Chain 6

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elliemay1 | 23:24 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | Crosswords
797 Answers

Hazlinny has kindly asked me to start a new Clue Chain post as the last one has disappeared from Latest Posts

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-made clue which everybody is invited to solve.  The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue, easy or cryptic.

Hazlinny's clue: It's not the second or third help which comes to one's assistance.  (5, 3)

My answer: First Aid



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A number, which lost two points at the end, then after, swallowed, to raise. (7)



? elevate

Yes Haz! Sorry for delays. I've just done some shopping for my daughter. Been staying here this week to help out with my granddaughter 😀

Thanks 😊   No problem,Patsy .. am glued to tennis on TV 🎾

Clue:  Round tiny uniform resource locator gets involved with mixed Irish banter.  (8)

Question Author


anag of 'url craic'

Yes Ellie 😊

Question Author

Thanks Haz

is it immature to cry out with an exclamation of pain? (6)

? avouch

callow ?

Question Author

callow is correct, johnny

many students slip up when going back to school ((6)


yes dusty pupils

Thanks 😀

A Greek god won't give you anything.   (5)


Yes 🤣

What are you like, Dusty! 😆

Part of Japan and Canada, causes this animal to appear. (5)

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Yes, Ellie! My 9 year old Granddaughter more or less came up with that clue! She is very switched on when it comes to cryptic clues. 😃

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Soft hearted backward socialist follows a decade (6)

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Clue Chain 6

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