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Azed Crossword 2,715

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Blackhawker | 00:10 Sun 30th Jun 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

.....appears to be no clues, just the grid, help very much appreciated please! Good night all!! 



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It'll probably be on the site soon, but if you can't wait, I nabbed this from the magazine online -

Open the link, close the "Sign in" box that might appear & you should see a black bar at the bottom of the screen - click the printer symbol on the far right of that bar.

If the black bar isn't there, look for "File" top-left, click that, then "Print".

You might need to adjust your printer settings - eg, mine says "Fit to printable area".

Question Author

.....Thank you very much Lie In King, still not on line, I've printed your copy! Happy chappy now!!

Thanks once again Lie-in King.

Glad I could help, Blackhawker 😊

You too, Ozzzed!  It's available on the Guardian site now.

Yes thanks LIK - I've printed it off, just now also

1d Chat maybe opens up in Shakepeare (4) SPU?

spud from dups (opens) ??

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Azed Crossword 2,715

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