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Bernie | 08:34 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

12d. Sounds like a good run for porkers(9)??n?r?c?s. I was thinking of 'Lineraces' if it makes any sense.

21a. Restrain(5)a?a?h.

Many thanks 



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21a quash?

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The 'a' is correct for 21a. Would Abash make sense??

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I'm thinking again Landrace as far as I remember was a breed of pig.

12d landraces ......breed of pig from Denmark

21 abate?

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I had abate in first but  clue for 22d is Fashionable joint.(3) I put in HIP. That is where I got the 'h' for a bash. 

Thank you all for your help. Quash or abate would be better but 16d. Rows(6) Scraps fits in.

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