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Irelands Own 1840

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Bernie | 23:26 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

11a.Fits panes of glass into doors or windows(6)


Many thanks 



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I'd expect it to be 'glazer' but that would mean that you've gone wrong somewhere!

If letters wrong, could be glazes?

. . . or, indeed, 'glazes', as Toorak suggests - but you've still gone wrong!

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5d. Tibetan breed of dog associated with Buddhism (7) I had Spaniel. Any alternative name for that answer.  S??????.

I thought myself 11a should be 'Glazes'- if so 5d should end in'z'.

I hope I haven't confused you all!

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I've solved it. It is actually Shih Tzu which gives me the 'z' for glazes.

Thanks everyone 

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Irelands Own 1840

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