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Fitting Solutions In Grid

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NancyTen | 22:44 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Having trouble fitting solutions in grid. Is 49A hod? Is 69A Drenching? Any other suggestions welcome. Thanks.



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Saturday's Guardian -

Did you mean 28a? - How

49a " Els ea" (Ernie; golfer)
69a - Yes

I've put the positions of the anagram answers here -

Question Author

Thanks Lie-in-king. Wasn't sure if 28a & 24D was els & elk or how & hod. The other positions in your link were really helpful. Thanks a lot!

You're welcome, Nancy, glad I could help 😊

Question Author

Finally finished because of your help!


Well done & good luck, Nancy 😊

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