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Daij | 15:58 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

1a King Charles casually poaches English premier gardener - she'll no doubt blame the Tories (6,6)

????E? , ??E???

4a Lover-boy Macron, disconcerted, about to change direction (8)


10a Pompous relative Ed is fussed about nothing (9)


13a One ball I've injured, with one wrapped in hand (9)


14a Heap of grass give tense American a hit (7)


17d Maybe Georgia fell about somewhere in the palace? (9)


Thanks in advance




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1 rachel reeves

rachel reeves   romancer

4a romanc er? - anagram macrona nd re(about) reversed (changed direction)

10. Grandiose

13 a v a ilable 

17. Stateroom


14 T US sock

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