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Listener No.4831 Free-For-All By Toffee

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emcee | 19:09 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

A relatively straightforward one this week -- from a new setter?

Thanks, Toffee.



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Agreed Emcee but well worth completing and great fun.

Still not able to link the song to the theme.

Thanks, Toffee.

Start time and day.

Thanks u10.

After last week's head swirl - which took me until Thursday to unscramble - this was rather more straightforward, although the theme was slow to tumble out, despite being an occasional partaker of said theme. Good to see them get a shout-out. Such a great enterprise.

A bit of a curate's egg this one, for me. I loved the choice of theme and the route to it through the song. On the downside, the unnumbered clues were too easy to predict/backfill from their general grid positions, so I didn't really have to solve more than a couple of them. But overall this was a fine puzzle and fun to solve. Thanks, Toffee!

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Listener No.4831 Free-For-All By Toffee

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