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Clue Chain 8

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Canary42 | 20:22 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Crosswords
511 Answers

Starting Clue Chain 8 - all welcome 😊

The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-made clue which everybody is invited to solve.  The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue, easy or cryptic.  If nobody has answered the clue within 30 minutes, the setter should post a further hint and so on until the clue is solved.


Pass student is leading to a charged particle crash (9)



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Question Author

Yes.   Co replace A in Aunty. Well done. 😊

Thanks 😊

It's awful when we conceal nothing over in the pond. (7)

This is my last for tonight so just carry on posting when solved. 🛌😴

Question Author

hideous   [hide o  us]

Probably correct, so before I retire to my bed, here's one for the night owls :-

The tide’s turned, the state comes to an end (11)

Question Author

1st hint:

? ? ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? ?


Question Author

2nd hint:

? ? ? ? I ? ? ? I ? ?     


? termination

Looks good.

first five letters anagram of 'tides'

Question Author

Sorry, I've spent the afternoon at my favourite spot (West Dean Gardens) - very peaceful on weekdays.

Termination is not correct: miser (welcome back to the Chain) has given the 3rd hint 😊

I find it a bit puzzling that Miser provided a clue while obviously knowing the answer which must be destination.  Why not just give the answer?

Will be away for a few days so probably won't be posting.  Going out now so just carry on posting, Canary, please.

Question Author

OK hazlinny (Destination is correct incidentally), so here goes :-

Pierce a quiet haystack (5)


Question Author

No hints yet - it's too easy 😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   

Question Author

Goodnight all. 

😴   😴   😴   😴   😴   😴   😴   


If correct:

flesh eating vehicle back in wander about (9

Good night Canary x

Question Author

prick is correct, well done 😊

Question Author

We're now running with elliemay1's clue :-


flesh eating vehicle back in wander about (9)


Two churches in one possibility (6)

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Clue Chain 8

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