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Viz Craptic 339

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Richmond15 | 11:15 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
17 Answers

Struggling to open up top left of crossword


swivel on it-  it's near your anus one might say




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Sat turn (uranus)

forget that!!

One 'T', JJ - 's(ex) a(ppeal)' (it) + 'turn'

Yes it is  6 letters Saturn

It = SA (sex appeal)

+ turn (swivel)

Ta LIK - I had a brain fade! - or something else using Viz terminology!

Question Author

Thank you and sorry for misleading

I agree with "saturn"

Just stuck on a couple of others -

4 down - "Beer bottles ending on gargantuan ***" l?n?e?

8 down - "Sore as an opening in her fu**ed, where cocks and trouser snakes go in two by two" n?a?s/?r??   

Noah's ***?

noahs ark

Oh dear - my post seems to have fallen foul of the vulgarity filter. I'm sure you'll figure it out though......

The first word begins with t and rhymes with lodger. The second word rhymes with looked. The third word means bottom and rhymes with farce.

8d. Presumably 'Noah's @rse', which Wikipedia informs me is the title of a strip within Viz:

Langer - lager around (o)n

^ Def: penis

Many thanks!

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Pep Guardiolas second crap stirred in drinking container


?A?E?    C?P

Paper cup?

Anag pep, crap and u

Question Author

Thanks , all done

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Viz Craptic 339

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